Because much of their posts border on ridiculous, Deadspin heavily relies on the use of videos, photos and graphics to supplement their stories. Just a look at their homepage will show how much video is posted relative to the total number of posts.

The videos they post are often for stories that would not be believable without it—such as this one—or stories where the written word just does not suffice, like this. Sometimes the videos are just inserted to provide context, and sometimes they’re just for humor. While Deadspin never produces their own video content—it’s all taken from other places—they do use it as an incredibly effective technique to get people to click on their articles.

Deadspin uses photos much the same way as any news outlet would, but they also makes it a point to have as much fun with graphics as possible. There’s no real rhyme or reason for when they decide to create an awesome graphic, but when they do it’s usually very funny. Besides serving as the thumbnail for articles on the main scroll bar on the right hand side of the page, these don’t really serve a purpose other than making you laugh.

While they don’t often use interactive techniques such as polls or quizzes, Deadspin does heavily employ their comments section. Whenever a big event comes along—March Madness, the Super Bowl, etc—Deadspin holds a “open thread,” which basically consists of readers posting in the comments section for a set period of time about a given subject. It’s not very organized, but it gives readers the chance to interact with each other in a slightly more controlled way than on random articles.

Ultimately, Deadspin does not use many interactive techniques besides video particularly well. It’s not a very good site for user-site interactions to take place, but that’s because of their audience. Deadspin’s readers go there to read and see ridiculous things they would not see elsewhere. If they wanted to fill out a march madness bracket or answer a poll question, they could go to a more regular news site to do that.